Ashtanga Narayani

2459 Mission St. Unit B San Marino, CA 91108
Monday-Friday 7am-11am, Sundays 8am-11am
Closed Saturdays and new + full moons

︎Led Primary:
Sunday 6/30 from 8am-10am

Class will begin at 8AM with a guided full primary series, followed by tea and open discussion from 9:30-10AM.

𐦍༘⋆ All current & experienced practitioners welcome.
𐦍༘⋆ This class is free for ongoing/monthly practitioners. $25 per  person for drop-in. Sign-up below.
𐦍༘⋆ Ongoing practitioners are welcome to join for self-practice from 6-7:45am
𐦍༘⋆ Please stop at your last asana unless otherwise instructed (you are welcome to close and quietly leave or observe & join back in for closing).
𐦍༘⋆ Those new to ashtanga yoga are encouraged to first establish a regular practice prior to joining for led class.

𐦍༘⋆ *Sliding scale and alternative payment options are available for all committed students who might be experiencing financial hardship, prioritized for indigenous, trans, and POC practitioners, public school teachers, and caretakers to support regular and sustaining practice. Please reach out before signing up to discuss options.

अभ्यासवैराग्याअभ्यां तन्निरोधः abhyāsa-vairāgya-ābhyāṁ tan-nirodhaḥ